"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you."
Matthew 6:33
Deliberate time spent alone with God each and every day in prayer, study, refection and joyful fellowship.
Food for thought:
Hurry and distraction are not of Satan; it is Satan himself!
For many the notion of a dedicated daily devotional time is a very daunting prospect to undertake so it is placed on the "back burner" as something to start at a later date. Unfortunately, it is never begun, or it is intermittent at best which eventually leads to a point of a hardened heart and a feeling that something is missing. My friend, what is missing is your Heavenly Father, His presence in your life... Your relationship is nonexistent. How do you prevent this from becoming your reality?
- Sincerely ask God to come back into your life.
- Be deliberate in adjusting you daily routine.
- As a minimum go to your Bible and open to the Book of Proverbs. Proverbs is a very unique book in countless ways, but one of the best features of Proverbs is that it has 31 Chapters. That is a specific Chapter for each day of the respective month and each Chapter takes no more than 15 minutes to read. Over the course of the year, you will have read the first 28 Chapters of Proverbs 12 times. This can be done while you have your first cup of coffee or tea in the morning. Do not pick up your phone, do not turn on the morning news. Rather take your cup of tea or coffee go to your favorite chair, open your Bible to the appropriate Chapter in Proverbs and read.
My dear friend, my brother, my sister in Christ I promise you that simply doing this will open the door to a deeper relationship with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. You will come to cherish these 15 minutes each morning. You will find that you are willingly spending more time with God. You will find it increasing easier to come to God in Prayer, in reflection, in study and in joyful fellowship. This is just the beginning of realizing the unfathomable breadth and depth of the Promise and Blessing spoken of in Matthew 6:33.
Sincerely Your's in Christ!
Some Recommended Personal Devotionals
Experiencing GOD Day-by-Day: The Devotional and Journal. by Hennry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby Published by B&H Publishing Group 2014
Maintenance Manna: A Daily Study Guide Through God's Word. by M.L. Moody Published by Thriftbooks
The RYRIE Study Bible. by Charles Caldwell Ryrie, Th.D., Ph.D. Published by Moody Press 1978